“I’m irritated by being irritated at that time of the month” –

It is so easy to simplify and dismiss premenstrual symptoms as just a part of life and to just accept it. It is irritating to be annoyed by the mundane activities because of hormonal changes. Yes, it is a part of life; however, we should not accept the irritability as part of life.

I was approached by a client who was experiencing premenstrual symptoms. Her hormonal change was affecting everyone in the family; such as her husband’s silly jokes that she would normally tolerate at any other time seems to bother her. She was more impatient, irritable, and short with others and to her credit was not willing to simply see this as acceptable behavior.

She was “irritated by being irritated at that time of the month”

I introduced her to flower essences known as Bach flower remedies. Unlike herbal medicine which relies on the chemical constituents of the herbs to affect changes in the body, flower essences cause changes by the body because of the flowers vibrations and energy component. This supports this emotional and spiritual parts of holistic treatments by helping the user to achieve their full potential and overcome obstacles by balancing hormonal changes and their energy.

My recommendation was the use of Lavender flower essence. The attributes of this essence include aiding those with mood swings or emotional imbalances, soothing and calming, relieve inner turmoil, connect to one’s purest form and help them relate and regard others in a positive manner. Lavender flower essence sh

Teacup of lavender flower essence

ould not be confused with lavender oil as they as made in a different manner and should be used accordingly.

Though this form of holistic healing might be new to some, it has been around for many years dating back to Roman times when flowers were used for healing. Flower essence can be taken up to 4 times a day on the tongue or diluted in water. In this particular instance, the client was able to purchase the lavender flower essence online from a reputable seller and it worked to help her take back control of her life.


How to make Lavender Flower Essence

  • You should make your flower essence on a clear, dry day.
  • After picking your flowers, place them in a glass bowl which is used exclusively for flower essences.
  • Add spring water.
  • Place the bowl outside in the sun for 3 to 4 hours in an area free from shade or shadow.
  • Remove the flowers from the water using a leaf/stem from the lavender plant. This is called the Mother Essence.
  • Pour the mother essence in a dark bottle, half full. Add brandy to top up the bottle and anchor the vibration of the flower. For those who do not consume alcohol, add food-grade glycerine or apple cider vinegar. Label and date the bottle. Mother essences created with alcohol last about 6 years, while those made from apple cider and glycerin should last a year refrigerated.
  • A separate bottle of essence is used for daily use. Approximately 2 to 20 drops of the Lavender mother essence is added to a 30 ml bottle using a dropper and then filled half with water and then topped off using brandy, cider vinegar or food-grade glycerine.

Dosage:  2 to 4 drops per day on the tongue or in water up to 4 times a day.




Balancing monthly hormonal changes

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